Saturday, June 7, 2008

Noble Canyon Trail Head

Our hike from the Big Laguna trail head to the Big Laguna lake took 49 minutes. By the way; the Noble Canyon Trail Head coordinates at Sunrise Highway is: North 32° 54.340', West 116° 27.454'.

Big Laguna Lake

so here we are at Big laguna Lake, which is not so big. But it's a pretty sight. It took 1.25 hours to hike here (we took a few breaks along the way). Coordinates: North 23° 52.958', West 116° 27.721'. We'll eat a snack and head back.

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At target destination, Big Laguna Lake

Nearing Big Laguna Lake

about 40 minutes into hike.

The Big Laguna Trail Head

Just a few steps in is the trail head to the Big Laguna Trail. We.ll hike this one.

Noble Canyon Trail

here we are at Noble Canyon Trail, just off Sunrise highway, Mount Laguna, CA. It took exactly one hour to drive here from La Mesa, CA.